
Wednesday 22 October 2014

More Tanks Soviets - WIP

Just a quick update of the latest batch of tank kits, these have been rather fun, though still a long way to go. I have been getting more adventurous at replacing cast handles and hooks with wire, especially on those kits that have enough detail to merit it.

This particular batch are an eclectic lot, all basic injection moulded plastic kits -
Back row: L-R.  S-Model Soviet Su85, PSC Soviet T70, S-Model T26
Front row: Hasegawa US M24 Chaffee, Hasegawa Sdkfz251/9 (Stummel), S-Model Vickers VI C light tank.

All of them have their merits. I particularly like the Vickers and the Su 85 though I wish that S-Model had added the photo-etched brass to do the engine grilles on the Su 85.

The one thing I really liked was the track assembly on the Su. It's really very clever. Each track comes with the inside wheel assemblies plus idler and sprocket moulded together with top and bottom pieces of track extending as far as the front and rear roadwheels, (a little bit of care is needed when detaching from the sprue), you then glue that to the axles - add the outside pieces for wheels, sprocket etc. Separate track pieces are then added to join bottom track to sprockets and idler, and two final curved pieces then fit around the sprocket and idler themselves. It is all beautifully engineered and fits perfectly. Far and away the best compromise I have seen between one piece track with moulding limitations, and the pain of 'link and length'.

So, a lick of paint, and these can join the tank park.. 

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